Relational Intelligence
A child exercising their ability to learn, understand and apply the relationship skills they need to connect well with others

Get the guidance you need to help your child experience full, lasting relationships.

Most parents today understand brokenness and loneliness when it comes to relationships. Then comes the need to teach relationship skills to their children! Having experienced isolation and loneliness on their own, parents can be terribly aware of how much their own children need and long for relationships.
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The Relationally Intelligent Child Book

The Connect Assessment®

Understanding your natural tendencies and those of the other family members living in your household is extremely important when it comes to relational intelligence. That's why we've made it possible for each of you to take our Connect Assessment® featuring the Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever, and Beaver. You have the opportunity to take an assessment as a parent and for each of your children.

Full Reports Now Available!

Dive deeper and learn even more insights. Each Full Report includes multiple pages of personalize data for you to understand how you connect with your child and others and how your children connect with others. Full Reports are designed specifially for Parents, Teens and Kids. Get yours today!

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The Five Key Elements

Secure Attachment Secure Attachment A strong parent-child bond that’s foundational to all other elements
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Fearless Exploration Fearless Exploration A child being able to explore their world with confidence
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Unwavering Resilience Unwavering Resilience Getting up and overcoming from challenging and stressful situations
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Wise Descision Making Wise Descision Making The sound, logical decisions that give a child self-control
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Future-Focused Service Future-Focused Service A child serving others by using their God-given strengths and gifts
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